Spill Kit Product Sharing with JPS Johor

Spill Kit Product Sharing with JPS Johor

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ECC is the authorised distributor for Crisben Product in Southern Region. On 17 July 2023 (Monday), ECC has arranged a knowledge sharing on Crisben Product with Jabatan Pengairan Dan Saliran Negeri Johor (JPS JOHOR). There have two products introduced to JPS JOHOR which are Crisben Universal Spill Kit and Crisben Oil Spill Kit that recommended for ISO 14001 certification as well as environmental safety compliance exercises. 

Crisben Universal Spill Kits is a complete solution in handling oil and chemical spill. The pollution solution is important since race against time is crucial. Crisben Oil Spill Kits is excellent in complete solution in handling an oil spill. There has difference size based on your needed which (105 Liter & 22 Liter) and (138 Liter & 23 Liter) for Crisben Universal Spill Kit and Crisben Oil Spill Kits respectively. The proper solution should be taken to avoid continuous negative impact toward environment and human.

Don't hesitate to ask us, we are willing to arrange the sharing session on Crisben for your better understanding in HAZMAT Spill Management and Environment Protection Solutions.

Click here to see Crisben Products
Call: 012-711 8819 (Suzy) / 018-236 7662 (Izah)
Email: ecc17info@gmail.com

27 Jul 2023