
Technical Specifications pH Range -2.00 to 19.99 pH Resolution 0.01/0.1 pH Accuracy ±0.01 pH ±1 digit Temperature Compensation 0 to 100°C (Auto or Manual) mV Range -1999 mV - 0 - 1999 mV Resolution - 200 mV - 0 - 200 mV: 0.

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Apera TN400 Measuring Method ISO 7027 compliant nephelometric method(90°) Measuring Range 0 to 1000 NTU, automatic range selection:
0.01 to 19.99 NTU
20.0 to 99.9 NTU
100 to 1000 NTU Resolution 0.01/0.

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Apera pH850 pH Measuring Range (0 to 14.00)pH Resolution 0.1/0.01 pH Accuracy ±0.01 pH ±1 digit Temperature Compensation Range (0 to 100)˚C (Auto.

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Apera DO850 Dissolved Oxygen Dynamic Range (0-20.00) mg/L (ppm), (0-200.0)% Resolution 0.01/0.1mg/L (ppm), 0.1/1% Accuracy ±2% reading or ±2% saturation, whichever is greater
±2% reading or ±0.

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